Notice: In addition to in person training, WE are utilizing Distance Learning during the Covid 19 restrictions via; Zoom, FaceTime, What’s App, etc. Please See the Rates page below to find out more
Our Services
Tree Frog Farm is a facility that concentrates on building a relationship between you and your dog. We provide: Beginner training, advanced training, behavior consultations, confidence building, consultations and behavior modification counseling regarding fear and aggression. In addition, outdoor dog agility Learn more ABOUT US.
Behavior Consultations
Puppy and family dog classes
The Charm School for Dogs
Dog Agility, Canine Good Citizen Classes
Dog agility private classes
Private "Park" Sessions
Client dog Luna showing she has learned that walks can be calm and enjoyable.
Dog-wrangling for photo shoots. Liz handles dog models during catalog, web, and video photo shoots. Liz has been been hired for: FetchDog, Orvis, Chewy, Eddie Bauer, Polo, Izod, Vera Bradley, Brookstone, Keurig, and Idexx shoots. In addition to working on the set, Liz also hires the models for these shoots. About 90% of models have been Tree Frog Farm graduates.
Behavioral Evaluations for local shelters, rescue organizations, and the ASPCA, and the family dog. Once the evaluation is complete a behavior modification plan is recommended.
“I learned a lot watching you interact with the dogs. When you explained what you were doing and what the dog was actually thinking I could better understand the ‘language of dog’. I could relax when I knew your watchful, intuitive eyes (even the ones in the back of your head) were on all the dogs. I felt confident you would intervene if necessary to make a situation flow smoothly, even in a group of unpredictable dogs. ”

PRIVATE LESSONS ~~~ $125 per hour
The four lessons must be used within four months.
In addition to in-person training, Tree Frog Farm is offering distance learning through on-line technology: $125/hr
Who is utilizing this service through Tree Frog Farm? New puppy people. Those seeking pre-puppy consultation. Recent adopters. People looking for behavioral consultation. People from greater than 2 hours away. Distance learning is working remarkably well. Current clients from DownEast Maine, California, NYC, Colorado, Vermont, and Florida.
For basic training, video links will be sent via email, to compliment the days lesson.
If you miss a lesson without 24-hour notice, you will be charged 50% of your lesson fee. If you miss two lessons without 24-hour notice, you will be charged 100% of your lesson fee. If you miss three lessons without 24-hour notice, we’ll be happy to refer you elsewhere.
Private lessons are normally held here at Tree Frog Farm. Liz can come to your home if needed. There is a travel fee for in-home lessons, the amount of which depends on travel time. If you provide your address, we’ll give you a travel quote. There is a $10 minimum for travel.
Private lessons with handler & dog
$125/hr, in person
$25/15 min after first hour
Off-Campus travel fee applies, cost based on location.
Private lessons are great for people with variable work schedules, reactive dogs, full family involvement, perfecting handling techniques, behavior modification, etc. Private lessons are also a wonderful compliment to any training class (see the hybrid version, for instance).
Private lessons without handler (one on one)
$125/hr + mileage
$115/hr if two or more lessons/week
Some dogs need a little extra guidance from a handler that is familiar and comfortable working around distractions. One-on-one lessons mix-up work with play, to give the dog a break from intensive training. One-on-one training is meant to occur at least two times/week. The owner is briefed and shown the techniques his dog is learning weekly. Frequent dog participants have been: puppies whose families work during the day. Reactive dogs, who need to get exposed, safely, and frequently to triggers in order to counter condition and desensitize the dog to those triggers. Dogs in need of confidence building through training and games. Dogs, whose owners are older and unable to repeat training techniques frequently enough for the dog to learn the techniques. And finally, one-on-one dog agility to help keep the dog mentally stimulated throughout a busy work week.
$250 for 7 weeks, indoors, 4 puppies
$250 for 7 weeks, indoors, 4 dogs
Hybrid Version Class
7 week class + two one-hr. private lessons.
Puppy: $480
Family Dog: $480
Charm School for Dogs
$350 for 10 weeks, 6 dOgs
New students, to Tree Frog Farm, must attend a private lesson ($75)
before Charm School.
Confident Canine
4 week class: $160, 3 dogs
The Next Step: Canine Good Citizen Preparation
6 week class: $200

For the following classes please see our Rate Page for more details. Check the calendar for class dates and times. Puppy Class, Family Dog and Charm School all start with a dog-free Orientation Class. You must pre-register and you can not enter midstream unless prearranged with instructor.
To use calendar PLEASE CLICK on the class name to see start date, PLEASE CLICK on any Private Lesson to see if that spot is available.

about us
O ur Training Philosophy
Dogs don't come knowing human language. We train the person to recognize the signs the dog is giving, and help the owner train the dog to respond appropriately to human signs and language.
We use reward-based training. The dog offers a behavior, the behavior is recognized with an auditory marker, and this is followed with a reward. The more often the behavior is rewarded the more likely the behavior will occur.
Once the behavior is solid, rewards will occur on a random basis.
What We Offer:
Behavior counseling/modification for reactive dogs
Fearful dogs counseling & evaluation
Private lessons/at home/TFF
Group training TFF
Rescue dog consultations
Agility training
Dog wrangling for photo shoots
Liz Langham, Owner & Lead Trainer
Tree Frog Farm is a place to have fun and challenge yourself and your dog. We strive to maximize learning while keeping the atmosphere relaxing. Tree Frog Farm puts the companion dog first.
Set in lovely North Yarmouth, ME, Tree Frog Farm conserves and protects the natural wildlife environment while encouraging wildlife habitat, breeding ground, and conservation. In fact it is not uncommon for Liz to bring her binoculars down to the agility field so class participants can take a moment to observe an American bittern frogging.
Liz Langham
Owner & Lead Trainer
phone. 207 837 1613
Please email to register for a class or to schedule a private lesson or consultation.
Include your full name & phone number,
your dog’s name / age / breed(s), and the class you’d like to join. You will receive a confirmation email.
Tree Frog Farm Dog Training
239 Mountfort Rd.
North Yarmouth, ME 04097
Our current classes are listed below.
Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.